Monday, January 31, 2011

Consider Me Over the Edge

Seriously, after all of the craziness over the last few months why wouldn't I want to do something completely random? 

Time for yet another tattoo....and why wouldn't it be a couple of pink flamingos......seriously!!!

Not looking forward to the pain and itchy/scratchiness and have no idea where to place it (doesn't really matter, it will hurt anywhere) but, oh well, we'll figure that out tomorrow afternoon.

It all started with a trip to Maui with a dear friend...we both decided to "get inked" while there...and since between the two of us we owned a significant amount of all things Ralph Lauren, a Polo Pony on our ankles made sense, right?  

and then...a beautiful Sailor Jerry-inspired Swallow and Cherry Blossoms.....followed shortly by the stunning Koi and Lotus flower.  More than enough for most people right?  Uh Huh....key words being "most people".

Send me good thoughts tomorrow around 4:30 pst........I can hear the buzz now.....YIKES!!!

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