My health, a loving husband who keeps me young and inspired, a big silly hound dog who loves me (ok - probably cuz I give her cookie bones, treats, basically whatever she wants), an interesting and challenging job with an amazing company, a beautiful home which offers me sanctuary when things get too crazy, beloved friends - the list is endless.
Not to trivialize any of those things which I hold dear - this year in particular I'm thankful that we had the perserverance to complete our AS renovation, the financial wherewithal to fund the renovation, the openness to respect and consider each others' creative input and the sacrifices made by our friends who devoted countless hours to work on our beauty.
I'm also incredibly grateful to the members of the Oregon Unit of the WBCCI who welcomed Doug and I into the group with open arms, who never judged nor critiqued the work we had done in rescuing our AS and who've become very dear to us through their kindness, generosity, humor and true commitment to maintaining the vision and spirit of Wally Byam.
Wishing all of you who stop by this blog a peaceful and relaxing Thanksgiving filled with the love of friends and family.
Cheers...and safe travels...